Call Pâtisserie- chocolaterie Thierry Siat Thierry Siat is a pastry chef, chocolatier, confectioner and ice-cream maker who combines traditional and modern recipes. Fruit tarts, walnut tarts, c... 04 92 55 44 26 Saint-Firmin
Call Ferme de la Tuilerie Since 1906, this family of farmers has been making a range of artisanal cheeses on its farm: tomme, bleu, raclette, faisselles... all made from raw mi... 04 92 50 50 70 Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur
Call Miellerie Challet Our honeys, gingerbreads, cookies, croc a'miel, nougats and beeswax candles are all homemade and sold at markets or directly from the honey house. 04 92 50 74 89 Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas
Call La Confiserie alpine A beekeeper, Christophe offers mountain and regional honeys. He also makes honey-based confectionery (sweets, lollipops, fruit jellies, nougats, jams)... 06 85 09 17 98 Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas
Call Ferme Pellegrin Family Marion and Michaël raise around thirty Abondance cows on their family farm, fed on pasture and hay (STG lait de foin). Some of the milk is processed o... 04 92 54 42 09 Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur
Call Fromagerie du Pré la Combe - Ferme Le Gâ The Fromagerie du Pré La Combe transforms milk into traditional mountain cheeses (ripened tommes, raclette, faisselle, etc.). The milk comes from the... 06 79 70 44 71 Chabottes
Call La Ferme Drouhot A breeder since 2011, Ludovic is passionate about breeding. In the early days, he focused on ewes, followed by free-range black pigs. In 2018, Emilie... 04 92 51 09 74 Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur
Call La Salaison du Champsaur The pork comes from the family farm or from other Hautes-Alpes farms. It is transformed according to the traditions of our valleys, in the traditional... 04 92 50 48 92 Saint-Laurent-du-Cros
Call La Salaison des Ecrins Originally from Savoie, this family has been based in the Champsaur region for many years, focusing on a human-scale business and quality products. Th... 04 92 50 14 95 Chauffayer
Call GAEC de l'Empereur Ewe breeders in the Valgaudemar valley, committed to Label Rouge specifications with IGP Agneau de Sisteron, we offer direct sales (pre-order) of parc... 06 87 38 02 57 Le Glaizil
Call Fromagerie du Champsaur La Fromagerie du Champsaur is an association of 4 farmers and 1 cheese-maker who use fresh, local milk in a short circuit, transforming it directly in... 04 92 57 86 91 La Fare-en-Champsaur
Marché à St Bonnet en Champsaur©Marché à St Bonnet en Champsaur|Agence Europe MarchésHautes-Alpes (05), Parc national des Ecrins, Vallée du Valgaudemar, Le Roux, Saint-Maurice-en-Valgaudemar, Boulangerie Dumas, tartes aux fruits, tarte à la crème et croquants // Hautes-Alpes (05), Ecrins national park, Valgaudemar valley, Le Roux, Saint-Maurice-en-Valgaudemar Bakery Dumas, fruit pies, cream pie crunchy©Hautes-Alpes (05), Parc national des Ecrins, Vallée du Valgaudemar, Le Roux, Saint-Maurice-en-Valgaudemar, Boulangerie Dumas, tartes aux fruits, tarte à la crème et croquants // Hautes-Alpes (05), Ecrins national park, Valgaudemar valley, Le Roux, Saint-Maurice-en-Valgaudemar Bakery Dumas, fruit pies, cream pie crunchy|Bertrand BodinVente de produits locaux