Call Mountain Wake Park Mountain Wake Park offers innovative summer activities. Yoan holds a BPJEPS diploma in water skiing and wakeboarding, and offers professional supervis... 06 81 19 72 87 Saint-Julien-en-Champsaur
Call Fillacier Sébastien - Jardinier Paysagiste SHOPS AND SERVICES 06 20 04 58 39 Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur
Call La Boulange SHOPS AND SERVICES The bakers is open from 7:00am every morning. We sell breakfasts, various Champsaur specialities, cakes, special breads, and picnic packs. New: choi... 04 92 55 74 90 Orcières
Call Sun Valley SHOPS AND SERVICES Designed and created by French designers for 35 years. Range of sportswear, down jackets and ski wear. Shopping aperitif every Thursday evening from... 04 92 50 73 40 Orcières
©@Kros-RemiFabregueActivités / VisitesHautes-Alpes (05), Vallée du Champsaur, Brutinel, La Fare-en-Champsaur, le Champ d'Or prépare de façon artisanale des spécialités culinaires du Champsaur-Valgaudemar : Tourtons, Ravioles, Oreilles d'Ane // Hautes-Alpes (05), Champsaur valley, Bénévent-and-Charbillac Tarte Epi d'Or is a biscuit factory that manufactures the famous Tarte Champsaur and offers the sale of handicrafts local products under the brand Saveurs des Montagnes©Hautes-Alpes (05), Vallée du Champsaur, Brutinel, La Fare-en-Champsaur, le Champ d'Or prépare de façon artisanale des spécialités culinaires du Champsaur-Valgaudemar : Tourtons, Ravioles, Oreilles d'Ane // Hautes-Alpes (05), Champsaur valley, Bénévent-and-Charbillac Tarte Epi d'Or is a biscuit factory that manufactures the famous Tarte Champsaur and offers the sale of handicrafts local products under the brand Saveurs des Montagnes|Bertrand BodinOù manger ?